90s Batman Villains As Lego Minifigures

Lego Minifigures From Batman and Batman Returns

The 80s and 90s Batman movies are pure entertainment. The Tim Burton films are wonderfully weird and dark, and the later two film perfected the big budget summer movie formula. Alex TheLegoFan has created a whole set of Batman villains as Lego Minifigures. Each film is separated into groups by their base. The Joker from Batman features the slicked back green hair, and purple suit. You can even find some goo from Axis Chemicals on the base. Batman Returns features Catwoman, Max Shriek, The Penguin all hanging out on an ice burg (accompanied by a few penguins from the old zoo).

Lego Minifigures From Batman Forever

Next up from Batman Forever, you can find The Riddler, Two-Face hanging out on a grey/white base. I wonder if they flipped a coin on who would stand where?

Lego Minifigures From Batman and Robin

The last film, Batman and Robin features Minifigures for Mr Freeze, Poison Ivy, and Bane all wrapped up in vines.

90s Batman Villains As Lego Minifigures, Batman, Returns, Forever, And Robin

You can find more details about these Lego Minifigure Batman Villains from Batman, Batman Returns, Batman Forever, and Batman & Robin over here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/alex_thelegofan/49985283812/

A Very Impressive Lego Batman Batcave – Dark Knight Rises

Brent Waller Lego Batman Dark Knight Rises Batcave

The recent Batman film, The Dark Knight Rises, is one of the most memorable. The dark themes and design make this one of the most gritty versions of Batman. Completely skipping the overt campiness (and imagination) of the Tim Burton films. The Batcave is one of the most popular themes for a MOC. It is really difficult to stand out from the crowd, but Brent Waller has created something special with his Lego Dark Knight Rises Batcave.

Brent Waller Lego Dark Knight Rises Batcave Batman

In order to make a more awesome display, some liberties were taken with the layout. The waterfall and a few platforms have been moved in order to make the display more viewable. Most of the most popular Rogues Gallery villains have been hidden around the Batcave. Bane, Catwoman, Joker, Ras Al Ghul, Scarecrow, Talia Al Ghul, and Two-Face have all found their way in. Maybe Batman should install a security system.

Brent Waller Lego Batman Dark Knight Rises Batcave Tumbler

Check out more of the “Dark Knight Rises Batcave” by Brent Waller over on Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/wetwired/15513521055/

The Tumbler is designed by buggyirk and can be viewed on Lego Ideas: https://ideas.lego.com/projects/38399

The Bat is designed by jpvelociraptor and can be viewed on Lego Ideas: https://ideas.lego.com/projects/18529