The World Needs Heroes – A Lego Overwatch Collection

shm03337 Lego Overwatch Project

The super popular video game Overwatch has at least 23 characters, and that number is growing. With the newest being Sombra. Many people have been building Lego Overwatch MOCs based on these characters for a while now. Lego builder shm03337 has been creating a whole collection of Overwatch heroes. They have currently built nine, which seems like a lot but is not even half of them. This is a huge project.

The group consists of Lego versions of D.Va, Bastion, Torbjorn, Soldier 76, Mercy, Reaper, Pharah, Reinhardt, and Genji. The D.Va stands out for just how much work went into it. Not only did shm03337 build the character but they also built her mech suit. D.Va can also fit inside the suit, with some “slight” modifications to the Lego figure (removing legs). Then there is Bastion who has his Lego bird, Torbjorn with his awesome beard, Mercy’s wingspan, and Reinhardt’s huge hammer. There are so many characters, so if you do not see your favorite it might be added at a later time.

shm03337 Lego Overwatch D.Va shm03337 Lego Overwatch Bastion shm03337 Lego Overwatch Torbjorn shm03337 Lego Overwatch Soldier 76 shm03337 Lego Overwatch Mercy shm03337 Lego Overwatch Reaper shm03337 Lego Overwatch Pharah shm03337 Lego Overwatch Reinhardt shm03337 Lego Overwatch Genji

Begin Your Watch With These Videos

There is also a good 6 minute video that shows off all the little details for these Lego Overwatch characters. This was put together after the first 7 heroes where built, so a few of the newer ones are missing. It is a must watch video, especially to see how they all work.

There are also a lot of videos documenting each Lego MOC hero. You can find the D.Va video embedded below. It covers the design, and features of the build. And even shows how D.Va fits inside the mech. Check out their YouTube channel for all the videos.

Fight For The Future With Lego Overwatch

You can read a lot more (in Korean) about these Overwatch Lego figures, created by shm03337, over here:

Also stay tuned to the Overwatch section on LegoGenre here, you might even find Tracer:

Meet The Worst Heroes Ever. A Custom Lego Suicide Squad

MGF Lego Suicide Squad Custom Minifigures

The next big comic book movie is out now. This one seems to be very decisive. But, one thing is for sure. Suicide Squad has a very dedicated fan base, creating lots of amazing things in support for the film. MGF Customs has finished creating a whole line of custom Lego Suicide Squad Minifigures. There is Col. Rick Flag, Katana, Captain Boomerang, Joker, Harley Quinn, Deadshot, El Diablo, and Killer Croc. These are some of the most details customs, especially the scales on Killer Croc and all the tattoos on Joker/Harley.

MGF Lego Suicide Squad Custom Minifigs MGF Lego Suicide Squad Custom Figures

These custom Minifigs have a great showcase available to watch. Over 20 minutes of video covering the designs and all the details for each character.

Fine more Lego stuff by MGF Customs over here:

The Lego Super Friends Project: 31 Custom Figures

JustJon's Custom Lego Super Friends, Superheroes

The Lego Friends figures have proven to be extremely customizable. These 31 custom figures that make up the Lego Super Friends Project prove just that. Created by JustJon, this project was revealed over the 31 days of July. In order to curate a list of possible customs figures, social media was heavily used to reach a wide audience with a wide variety of opinions. The 31 superheroes contain a good mix of characters from DC Comics and Marvel Comics. These figures were made with the use of Lego Minifigures accessories, hair pieces, and a little bit of paint. The larger size (compared to a Minifigure) makes it a whole lot easier to do custom paint work.

“I began the project surreptitiously by posing the question “Who is your favorite super heroine?” on my social networks. I took note of the characters people named and started creating a list on my white board, with the left side containing numbers for the days they were released on and the right side a list of potential characters to make. Once I began creating the custom minifigures, I made sure that each fit into the role of super heroine (as some people did request villains), that no character would be repeated in alternate costumes, and that I would release one per day for the entire month of July. I tried to vary the characters to appease to different audiences and keep things interesting for myself by using characters who were well known in the popular culture and those who were lesser known.” — JustJon

The complete roster of the Lego Super Friends Project includes: Supergirl, Phoenix, Black Widow, Sue Storm, Polaris, Storm, Batgirl, Rogue, Kitty Pryde, Captain Marvel, X-23, Stargirl, Zatanna, Psylocke, Wonder Woman, Batwoman, Mary Marvel, Catwoman, Scarlet Witch, Spider-Woman, Saturn Girl, Dazzler, Firestar, Kabuki, Hawkeye, Black Cat, Gamora, Jubilee, Black Canary, Hit-Girl, and Raven.

JustJon's Custom Lego Super Friends, Superheroes, Batgirl JustJon's Custom Lego Friends Superheroes, Jubilee JustJon's Custom Lego Friends Superheroes, Hit Girl JustJon's Custom Lego Friends Superheroes, Black Widow

The creator of this project, JustJon, has opened up an Etsy store where some of these custom figures (and more) are available for purchase:

More details on the Lego Super Friends Project can be found here:

Lego Marvel Super Heroes Released & GameTrailers Review

Lego Marvel Super Heroes

Lego Marvel Super Heroes is out now. It looks like this one is another great game from TTGames. Featuring well over 100 different Marvel characters. Such as Iron Man, Spider-Man, Thor, the Hulk, Wolverine, Deadpool, Captain America, the Fantastic Four, the X-Men, Howard the Duck, and even Stan Lee. Keeping with the recent trend, the whole game features great voice work. Lego Marvel Super Heroes is available now for almost every videogame system: PS3, XBox 360, Wii U, Nintendo DS, Nintendo 3DS, Playstation Vita, and the PC. With future releases planned for the XBox One, and Playstation 4. Available through Amazon now.

All the early reviews have been overwhelmingly positive. Such as this Lego Marvel Super Heroes review from GameTrailers:

Lego Batman vs. Lego Superman, Fight!

Lego Batman vs Superman Fight

Who would win in an epic Batman vs. Superman battle? Some people have spent a whole lot of time thinking about this this possibility. Keshen8 believes that a fight between these two superheroes could only end in one way. The animation and special effects are extremely well done, with the stop-motion being especially smooth.

Check out Keshen8’s other video, Lego Iron Man’s Suit:

Lego Marvel Super Heroes E3 Trailer

It is E3 this week, which means there is an overwhelming amount of video game news. The Lego Marvel Super Heroes video game is coming out soon and it doesn’t want to be left out of the festivities. New details and a new trailer debuted this week, reaffirming early impressions that this will be a great game. The first piece of great news is that it will feature open-world gameplay, like Lego City Undercover, and also include the traditional platforming gameplay, like Lego Star Wars. It has also been confirmed that New York city, Manhattan, and Loki’s Lair will all be playable locations.

Lots of Marvel characters will be featured in the game, with Wolverine, Captain America, Johnny Storm (Human Torch), Mr. Fantastic, Thor, Deadpool, the Hulk, Iron Man, Spider-Man, Sandman, and Loki all getting the digital Lego treatment. More characters will be announced closer to the release date.

Lego Marvel Super Heroes is currently available for pre-order on

Lego Marvel Super Heroes E3 trailer is available on YouTube:
Also check out the original trailer here: